Yoeido Park

Yoeido Park
Beating the heat

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Ordering In Korean Style

When we first moved in we found a menu for a local restaurant stuck under our door. Obviously it was all in Korean (sadly no pictures) and we didn't know our address or how to order in Korean so the menu was trashed and forgotten about. A few days ago I went to drop of the dry cleaning with Yelim and we smelled something fantastic coming from a small place next door to the cleaners. Yelim told me it was a food delivery and that they often serve the people who live in our officetel. I told her that I thought I got their menu and she said it was them. She told me to tell her when I wanted her to order for me and she would arrange it.

Today I knew I was going to have a full day of work in the morning and evening and thought I'd have an early dinner at home before my night class began. I called Yerim and asked her to order me some Bulgogi for 5:30. At 5:30 on the dot someone rang my bell. I opened the door and stuck out the 8,000won - about $7.15 (Yelim told me how much it would be) and grabbed the basket of food.

Not only was the food delicious, there was so much of it (for so cheap) and it was presented so nicely in bento style boxes. No plastic silverwear either. I got a soup spoon - the meal came with soup - and chopsticks, soup, bulgogi, rice with a fried egg, and lots of delicious and beautiful banchan. I ate all I could and, as instructed, put everything back in the basket and left it outside my door. A few hours later I heard the clanging of the chopsticks and peeked outside. It was all gone.

Just another example of how Korea does it so right!

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