Yoeido Park

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Su Je Bi

Last night Yerim taught me how to make Su Ju Be - dumpling skin soup. It was easy and delicious. I might even be able to make it on my own. The recipe goes something like this:

For the dough:
A couple cups of flour
pinch of sesame oil

Mix and need all ingredients together and let mixture rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

For the broth:
a few small dried anchovies
a small piece of seaweed bark (bark?)
hot pepper
potato slices
salt & pepper

boil the seaweed and dried anchovy for a few minutes then discard both from water. Add remaining ingredients to broth.

take the chilled dough and pull pieces apart with your fingers and toss into the soup. Boil for another 5-10 minutes. top with chopped fried egg. eat.

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