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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My birthday Dinner

This year was the first time I celebrated my birthday in another country, away from my family and friends. And while there's no substitutes for my dearest family and friends, I was able to celebrate and enjoy the night with new friends in my temporary home. We invited our good friends Jason and Sharon, Wannie, Dong U, and of course Yelim, my SBFF (Seoul Best Friend Forever) over for some pre-dinner drinks and then we went to our favorite Japanese tapas joint for some delicous food.

We chose the menu in advance:
grilled mackeral
fresh tuna salad over grated cabbage
fried chicken (M's favorite)
curried ramen soup
seaweed rice "pockets"
fried tofu

Of course the sake, soju, mekju (beer) and sake cocktails were flowing. 

Afterwards we went to our second favorite Japanese tapas place for a traditional Korean birthday Seaweed soup, Japanese pancake and some grilled seafood.

It was a great night but a difficult next morning.

Here are some pics :

Before the party started at our place
Singing Happy Birthday

Making faces with Jason and Sharon

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