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Friday, June 11, 2010

Dongdaemun market

Dongdaemun market is a wholesale shoppers paradise. The "market" is made up of rows of buildings that house everything from electronics to socks to stores filled with Ajuma visors. The market is practically a 24 hour affair and it's well known that you can get the best deals after 2am. M and I keep saying we should go after a night out on the town but we haven't made it there past 11:30 pm yet.

Yesterday I went to the market with some people that I met who were looking for fabric so we went to the fabric building (duh!) Each of the eight floors were packed with different types and colors of fabrics and sewing materials. (My mother, an adorable and gifted seamstress, would love this place.)  It's very common to go to the market and to pick out fabric and trimmings and have them custom made into bedding, curtains, dresses, upholstery covers, etc. After picking out materials and designs you can have just about anything made and delivered to your home in about a week. The people that I went to the market with were looking into custom bedding, including sheets, pillow cases, accent pillows (with cases) and a blanket. The total cost came out to about $140 for a Queen sized bed. Not too bad.

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