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Monday, June 7, 2010

Restaurant segregation

While we're in Seoul, M and I are very open to and interested in meeting people. We like to go to popular places with crowds and action, just like when we are at home. When deciding on where to dine here we consider the social capabilities of the night just as much as the gastronomical ones. Seoul seems to be a good match for us in this respect because it's a large, cosmopolitan city that has endless hip and delicious places to eat and drink. It does sound perfect for us, doesn't it? Yes, except that for some reason we walk into a restaurant we are often seated in the nose bleed section - that is far far away from any other patrons. Usually somewhere near the bathroom or kitchen, even if there are empty seats in a prime section of the restaurant. That is exactly what happened when we walked into the conveyor belt sushi place. The entire front of the place was packed and we were seated at the last possible seats at the complete opposite end of the sushi bar. There were at least 10 seats between us and other customers who were seated up front.

Korean restaurant workers, if you are reading this, please seat us next to other people. We won't bite. Promise.


  1. can't you ask that they sit you elsewhere. if they don't, then demand!

  2. Hi yong-joon - you're right. Sometimes we want to ask but we feel strange. Next time we'll try it and see what happens.

  3. please google me.

  4. is it possible the restaurants mistakenly assume the two of you prefer to sit away from others? perhaps they do this as a courtesy for everyone. it's sort of like a movie theater or subway--when it's nearly empty, it's common that you sit far enough away from others as not to crowd each other.

  5. I guess anything is possible. It just seemes a bit odd that it happens to us often. Do you have any Seoul restaurant recommendations for us?
