Yoeido Park

Yoeido Park
Beating the heat

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Friday, February 26, 2010


We had some great BBQ last night. After setting up our charcoal grill the waitress poured a yellow milky substance around the perimeter of the grill. We had no idea what it was so we just looked and smiled like we always do. M chimed in with two possibilities: 1. A cold foamy substance that would act as a heat barrier that would "keep the table from going up in flames" or B. Tea. (I'm not sure which one was more ridiculous but I had no ideas so I wasn't in a position to judge.) It turns out that the substance was egg and we were being set up for an omlete that would accompany our BBQ. Again, Seoul doing it oh so right.

Below: M waiting outside the restaurant for a table, some empty soju bottles from the restaurant, the BBQ

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