Yoeido Park

Yoeido Park
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Friday, February 19, 2010

My ego

The University set us up with a teaching assistant who helped us get our alien registration papers in order. She was very helpful. Afterwards we took her for coffee and we had some simple conversation. Here's a little bit that stuck with me:

Her: You're so pretty.
Me: Wow, thank you, that's so sweet.
Her: You should exercise more.


  1. i think you need to lego your ego.

  2. Shara - I have been following your blogs and love it. Though now I am really concerned. If these woman told you to workout and not try on their clothing, then they may just kick my fat but right out of the country! hmmmm!

  3. Hi Laura, glad you like the blog. No more need to worry about clothes in Korea. Last night we found out where they carry the larger sizes (you know, like size Medium.) Can't wait to see you guys in Beijing. We're working on some fun things to do and see in Korea. I'll email with some things soon.
