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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Burger B

We've been in Seoul for three months and for the most part, up until this post, I've only eaten Asian food in that time. I eat Korean food daily but I've also had a lot of Japanese and a small bit of Vietnamese food since we've been here. Since we are only here for a short time I want to take full advantage of our time and the food while we are here. Having said all that, I am truly a cheeseburger and pizza lover, (I did try Korean Pizza but it wasn't exactly what I'd call "pizza"). I decided that my birthday was a perfect time to try a cheeseburger in Seoul. After much internet and blog surfing, we ruled out a few places because of distance, and a few because of bun issues - can't have a soggy bun- and we finally decided on Burger B in nearby Hongdae. 

The restaurant has a similar concept to 67 Burger in Fort Greene (Brooklyn), where you order at the register and then you are alerted when your meal is ready. I ordered the classic cheeseburger with spicy mayo and cheddar and a side of fries. No one asked how I liked my burger and I didn't think it would matter if I told them that I prefer it medium to rare. So we ordered and waited. When the burgers came they looked fantastic. They looked as if they were on a Wendy's commercial. All plump and juicy with burger sweat dripping down the sides! After a few pictures I was ready to dig in. It certainly wasn't the best burger I've ever had - that might have been at fiddlesticks in the west village - but it was definitely good and worth the wait. My biggest concern was the overpowering amount of mayo on the burger. It took too much away from the taste of the beef and it made it very hard to eat. (The fries were fine. Nothing to write about.) All in all it was a positive experience. I do love cheeseburgers but I think I can wait until we get back for another one.
Here are some pics:

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