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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Alien Registration card

We had a Meet the Parents moment at the Korean immigration office. (Remember the scene when Ben Stiller is trying to board the plane and he is sitting in row 13 but they are only boarding rows 1-12 and he's the only one at the gate? )

When we got to the immigration office to get a certificate of registration the office was completely empty - Just us and two office workers behind desks. No one else in site. We went up to one of the women behind the desk and told her that we needed a certificate. She looked at our hands like we were missing something and told us that we needed a number and pointed to the number taking machine. So we pulled number 23. Then, .5 seconds later the light above her desk lights up and number 23 pops up. We walked up to her desk and gave her the number and she gave us the certificate. It was all dependent on that number.

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