Yoeido Park

Yoeido Park
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Seoul Food

I obsess over food. It's the first thing I think of in the morning and it stays with me all day and all night. My husband says that I love food more than I love him. (He's a really close second.) For me, being in Seoul is like being in food heaven. There are more places to get food in Seoul than anywhere I've ever been. Food is everywhere - and it's great!

The number of restaurants on one block is astounding. I thought NYC had a lot of restaurants but there's no comparision to Seoul. I'm used to restaurants lining the streets on eye level, but here you'll miss much of it if you don't look up. All the buildings are filled with restaurants and bars from the ground floor up. One building will have 3 or 4 restaurants and at least one bar (Hof) on the upper floors. And if the restuarants aren't enough to keep you satisfied you can get great food at the food stalls linining the streets, the many large food markets all around, the top floors of the fancy Hyundai department stores all have food courts, the supermarkets all have prepared food vendors, and there are 24 hour "buy the way" food markets all over Seoul in case you get the munchies in the middle of the night. More on types of food and food culture later..

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