Yoeido Park

Yoeido Park
Beating the heat

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bad weather and Pop Corn Juice

Spring hasn't quite sprung in Seoul just yet and it's been cold, windy and rainy for the past few weeks. Today the sky is a weird foggy grey with some hints of red in it. We knew it would be a bad day weather wise so we invited Yerim and her sister over for dinner. Only problem is that we have exactly one very small pot and no other cooking utensils or appliances. So, instead of making some kind of Egyptian feast that we keep promising all our new friends that we will eventually make for them we are going to order Korean pizza delivery.

(I was pretty hesitant to agree to this at first, considering my self proclaimed pizza snobery. But Yerim and M told me not to think of it as pizza and to think of it as some Korean food I haven't tried yet. I'll post all about it tomorrow.)

To prepare for our first house guests we went to our local supermarket (Grand Mart) for some ban chan and desserts and while we were shopping I found a curious looking bottle of what I thought was iced tea. I though it would be tasty considering all of the yummy tea that we've been drinking here. It was about 65 cents so I got it. As soon as we got home I gave the tea to M to taste (I wasn't going to try it first!) and he said it tasted like popcorn juice. And that's exactly what it tastes like - except with a really bad after taste. It's not good and really odd.


  1. ha ha. it's not pop corn juice but corn tea. think of the stuff you bought as snapple corn tea. imagine a genteel british tea drinker who has never heard of (let along tasted) bottled tea having a sip of snapple for the first time. i would say this is somewhat analogous.

  2. I'm no genteel british tea drinker but I know that this is really gross, whatever it is. It tastes like buttered corn drenched in pesticide. Yuck.
