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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cheongdo Bullfighting Festival: A picture essay

5:45 am - M and I leave to meet Stephan and Aryong at Seoul Station

5 hours later we arrive in Cheongdo

Aryong gets a tip from her brother, who is waiting for us at the bullfight, that there's a lot of traffic so we should take the bus to the arena.
At first it's pretty empty on the bus

It gets much more croweded and it's standing room only before we even leave the bus depot.

The bus should take about 10 minutes but 55 minutes later we are at a standstill on the road so we decide to walk along the traffic the rest of the mile and a half to the area.

The bus we just got off of passes us.

We make it to the arena and we are greeted by the famous Cheongdo muppets.

The arena is packed

We see the famous Cheongdo gold people

We finally meet up with Aryong's family and take our seats in the arena.

After 10 minutes of watching the bulls face off we decide it's time for lunch. On our way out we have to face the huge crowds and the notorious Korean granny's who will nudge, shoulder block and push their way through anything.

We get outside and Aryong's family tells us they packed lunch. We were pleasantly surprised and thankful. We are expecting sandwiches. We get a huge Korean buffet picnic that seemed to be pulled out of thin air.

After lunch we go back into the arena and get to sit in the luxury suite because we are foriegners. The seats are right behind the trophy distribution and we will be on the big screen and on Korean TV!
In the end Turbo was the big winner.
We took the KTX fast train (first class) back home and were back in Seoul, land of the short skirts and high heels, in about 2 hours.


  1. the pudgy kid with glasses on the bus looks like he's about to drool all over moustafa's head.

  2. Actually, the dog drooled. The kid, however, coughed all over my hair, repeatedly.

  3. which is the dog and which is the boy? do dogs text in korea? actually, the dog looks like a jindo. it's a korean breed named after an island near the south. you guys should take a trip there. the jindo dogs are considered one of korea's cultural treasures. no kidding. (and no, you are not allowed to eat a jindo dog.)
