Yoeido Park

Yoeido Park
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Seoul Food and Fun

Last night we went to a local hangout for Pa Jun, a large pan-fried scallion and seafood omelete/pancake/fritatta. I love Pa Jun and I especially love it at this place. (We still don't know the actual names of any of our favorite places.) The Pa Jun is large and drenched in oil so we try not to have it often - we've been averaging once a week. When it comes out of the kitchen it's still cooking. Its a hot steaming plate of puffed yellow and green goodness. You can't go near it for a few seconds because the hot oil is spraying all around it and it gets crispy on the bottom where it cooks the longest. I love the crispy bottom part the most. When it's all finished it looks like an oil slick. But it's so tasty that there are never any regrets. Usually the place is packed to capacity with students. Last night we went a little earlier and so it wasn't quite full yet. There were a couple of tables filled with students though. The students here seem to have a lot of school pride and they show it by singing/screaming their school songs at the top of their lungs. We see and hear this often when we are out in Sinchon, the central point between a few of the nearby universities. No one ever seems to notice when 5 or 10 kids are shouting in a bar - except us. Last night when the students started singing they realized that we were watching (i.e. taking pictures and videos of them) they played up to us and finished their cheers with "this is KOREA baby!" Just another fun and tasty Thursday night in Seoul. Pa Jun before and after and some crazy college kids:

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